Spring Renewal Sunday:
- 3 Services with 304 attending
- 2 New Members by Profession of Faith
- Many Responded to the Call to Nail our Reconciliations to the Cross
- Altar Filled with Re-commitments and Restoration of Faith in Christ
Easter Sunday Services:
- Sunrise Service with 85 attending
- 2 Morning Services with 210 attending
- 2 Baptisms of New Believers adding to the Fellowship
DNOW Weekend
- 22 Teenagers Attending
- Students Memorize 2 Scripture Verses, Psalm 23: 4-6 and Ezekiel 40:31
- 2 Worship Services and 2 Bible Studies
- Many Cars Washed in Single Ladies Car Care Mission Event
Single Ladies Car Care Mission Event and Motorcycle Ride
- Multiple Witness Encounters with Ladies who Participated
- Ladies of Grace Host Guests and Share Their Faith
- Motorcyclists Contribute to Help with Expenses
- Fellowship and Spiritual Relationships Strengthened
I cannot remember a greater ministry impact upon dozens of people than that which took place at Grace during the month of April. There are many people who worked diligently to organize and carry out the work that took place. Great food was prepared. Effective promotion and sharing was accomplished by the number of guests present in every service. The prayers of God’s people was evident as numbers of people responded to the invitations in every service.
Yes, our energy level was tested during the month, but God was doing His work through us in a mighty way.