Did you hear about little Jack who returned to school after summer vacation? Two days after school had started, Jack’s teacher called to inform his mother that little Jack was misbehaving. “Wait a minute,” the mother said, “I have had Jack for the last six weeks and I never called you once to complain about how he was behaving.”
Our kids are now in somebody else’s care. The circle of our influence has been extended to bus drivers, schoolteachers, administrators and staff personnel. Don’t forget about the influence of their friends, the school environment, sports teams and even hallway conduct. A school is a reflection of the culture, neighborhoods and community around it. Schools mirror the image of the beliefs, lifestyles and relationships which surround them. You could say that a school is a picture of us all.
That is why I explained why the number 10 in the Bible is so important. Remember that the number 10 comes from the fact that the words, “And God Said…” in Genesis, chapters one and two were repeated 10 times. The authority of God’s word goes with us wherever we are. Our children and young people are under the influence and authority of the might word of God.
Second, Exodus 20 records the 10 Commandments of God not as recommendations for living, but as laws to live by. These laws are immutable and eternal. They apply to the way our children act at school and every other place in which they live.
Here’s a few other things you should know about the number 10:
- The Passover Lamb was selected on the 10th day of the first month of the year.
- The Day of Atonement was observed on the 10th day of the seventh month of the year.
- There were 10 plagues which God performed in Egypt.
- There 10 generations that lived before Noah.
- Noah was the 10th Patriarch to live before God destroyed the earth by flood.
- Jesus identified Himself as the great “I Am” 10 times in the gospel of John.
- The tithe is one 10th of your income which is required by God.
The number 10 is used 242 times in scripture with an additional 76 times when you add 10th or the tithe.
The number 10 is significant because it represents the complete sufficiency of God. It means that God is totally present, totally in control and totally at work in the lives of His People.
Use the number 10 when you think about your children at school this year. Claim this number over their school, their teachers and their environment at school. Pray 10 times for them every day. Give them 10 cents, or 10 kisses, or 10 pencils to carry with them. Make or buy 10 cookies for them to eat when they get home after school. The number 10 is not superstition, it is Biblical truth. Trust God to the 10th power when it comes to our kids and their welfare at school this year.