- Fear the Lord
- Walk in all His Ways
- Love Him
- Obey Him
- Keep His Rules
These requirements are all about the kind of CHARACTER we are to display in our daily lives. God wants us to be Loyal. He desires that we Walk in close fellowship with Him. God’s heart seeks to be linked to our hearts in a vibrant relationship of love. We are not to practice obedience out of fear, but out of our love and devotion to Him. God’s rules are not burdensome. We practice our faith every day because that is the way faithful children act toward their loving heavenly Father.
Today, I am preaching a similar message from the New Testament about what Jesus had to say concerning the INFLUENCE of His people in the world. Our character reflects what our relationship with Jesus is like. Our influence demonstrates the difference our faith makes through our actions. I am preaching a passage of scripture from the Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew 5:13-16. Jesus said that we are to act like SALT and shine like LIGHT. In other words, we are to make a difference by penetrating this world’s ungodly nature like salt penetrates food. We are to illuminate its atmosphere of sin and disobedience like light drives away darkness. Everything we do should make a difference and point people to Jesus.
We take note today of another step completed in our transition from the corner of Mundy Mill Road and Old Oakwood Road to the place God has provided here at 4026 Mundy Mill Road. We have completed our Capital Campaign relocating to our new property and continuing our renovations of these new facilities. We completed the first phase of renovations in March of last year. We have now completed the Capital Campaign which raised funds to complete the second phase of our renovations adding the lower building space of 6,000 square feet for worship and education ministry.
Completion of our Capital Campaign will also provide funds to fully retire the second mortgage loan we opened when the church purchased this property. Today, we will burn the $127,000 second mortgage note because Mr. Jim Walters will contribute his matching donation of $150,000 equal to the amount raised by our church. His donation will eliminate the second mortgage note plus provide a balance of $23,000 to add to the $151,000 raised by the church. We will then have $174,000 to use in completing the renovations on the second building.
The most important question to ask now is, “Why has God blessed our church like this?” The answer is found in Matthew 5:13-16. God has abundantly blessed us so that we can fulfill His purpose to be SALT and LIGHT in this world. Grace Baptist Church is to be a penetrating influence like SALT. We are to be an illuminating influence like LIGHT. In short, we are to make a real difference in this world for Jesus.
So, ask yourself, “What difference does it make that I belong to Grace?”
Ask the same question another way, “What difference does it make that we have moved to a new location and raised money to renovate these buildings?”
The difference it makes is this, “Let your light so shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)