To February 2nd
The Leadership Team recommends that the Church Conference held open from December be delayed to next Sunday evening prior to the Men’s Chili Cook Off and Super Bowl game. Rather than having 2 meals back to back, the Conference will be better attended as the Chili Cook Off is planned for the following Sunday. There is important business to consider:
- Approval of the 2019 Year-End Finance Report
- 2020 Church Budget Adoption
- Transfer of Title to the new church bus
- Deacon Ministry Constitutional Amendment
- 2020 Nominating Team Report
The congregation should be aware of the Deacon Ministry Amendment to be recommended. The following will be added to ARTICLE X, Section 10.01, entitled - Deacons Service to the Church,
Current statement:
“The Church shall select godly men to serve in the capacity of New Testament Deacons (Philippians 1:1, 1 Timothy 3:8-13). The Deacons are to be servants of the Church and its members (Acts 6:1-3). The task of the Deacon is primarily to protect and buildup the unity and health of the Church. The Deacon’s ministry of care includes looking after the spiritual well-being of the members, visiting the sick, and caring for the needy and homebound; encouraging the members and supporting them in prayer; helping in the benevolence ministries of the Church; and promoting the proclamation of the gospel to believers and unbelievers.”
The following addition is recommended:
“The Deacon Body (Chairman) shall consult with the Stewardship Committee in October each year to determine ministry priorities for which budget consideration is required. These considerations may include but not limited to salaries, new ministries, vision priorities, loan financing or other major issues that occur as needs and opportunities arise.”
Please read through this addition and be in attendance on Sunday evening, February 2nd to participate in the transition of our church ministry from 2019 into the new year. God is moving in our church and we are seeing amazing progress. Don’t miss this evening of fun and fellowship next Sunday.