The Deacon Body of Grace Baptist Church
January 20, 2021
The Deacon Body expresses gratitude and thanksgiving for God’s continued blessings keeping our church family safe and free from serious physical complications related to the COVID 19 virus. We rejoice with you in our return of in-person worship and ministry this past Sunday morning. It was good to welcome 72 of our people back to renew fellowship and corporate ministry together. We were blessed to have 3 guests join us on site during the worship hour. We continue our praying for and trusting in God’s protecting presence to keep us safe and well during these days of continued resistance to the COVID 19 virus.
As you pray about how you will continue to serve the Lord these days, please allow the Deacon Body as spiritual leaders within our church family to encourage you to remain diligent in:
- Regularly Washing and Sanitizing your Hands
- Wearing your Mask
- Staying Separated by the Recommended Distance
We do not believe these sensible recommendations violate individual rights or freedoms. These are prescribed solutions that work and keep people well. These are no different than taking a prescribed medication for an illness or maintaining distance from others when you have a cold. This is not a matter of infringement, but simply a way to serve the health needs of others. The Bible says, “…with humility of mind regard one another as more important that yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others” (Philippians 2:2-3). Let others know how much you love them by taking care to follow these simple but important principles.
We desire for everyone to feel at home when they worship and serve the Lord at Grace. If you feel hesitant to return to in-person worship, or uncomfortable following the recommendations given above, please continue to worship in fellowship with your church family through our online worship gathering. You can register your presence with us each week online by simply sending a text or making a comment. We would love to hear what you have to say and what God is saying to you through His word. This present difficulty caused by COVID is not ultimate. It will pass and we will be back to our regular routines and practices when it is safe and reasonable to do so. Until then, let’s keep our church family in unity, working together for the glory of God and the building of His kingdom at Grace.