The church will be called into Business Conference at the end of the worship service on Sunday, December 13th. The purpose of the conference is to present to the congregation the year-end financial statement for approval. The church will also vote to approve the 2021 Church Budget which will guide the work and ministries of our church for the first 6 months of the year. With the pandemic still upon us, the Stewardship and Finance Team determined to only budget the first half of the year and then make revisions for the second half based on the pandemic situation and financial outlook over the remaining 6 months. The church ministry calendar, events and ministry forecast continues to remain uncertain. We trust that the outlook and opportunities will be much improved by June of 2021.
The financial standing of our church has been strong thus far. Income has exceeded the 2020 budget projection. Our people have continued to be faithful. In fact, a substantial balance has accumulated in our general account due over the year. The Stewardship and Finance Team has been led to unanimously recommend that $45,000 be transferred from the general fund and applied to the mortgage debt on our property and facilities. By this transfer, the building debt will be reduced from $445,000 to a bit under $400,000 which will save the church $21,000 in interest over the loan’s three-year term. The church will be asked to approve this recommendation in the business conference on December 13th.
In addition, the Stewardship and Finance Team also asks that our congregation consider a special offering for the purpose of debt reduction through the end of the 2020. You may be in a position where God could lead you to give over and above your regular tithes and offerings a year-end gift to be added to the transfer amount from the general fund. Your special gift will be tax deductible. Every cent will be applied to the debt whether it is $1, $100, $1,000 or more. Please pray about what the Lord may lead you to contribute to this debt eliminating opportunity.
We serve a God of peace. He does not intend that His people live under the bondage of sin, fear, worry, or debt. As we light the “Peace” candle this morning, praise the Lord for the peace we enjoy in Jesus. While the world battles outside, we have the peace of Jesus abiding in our hearts. May His peace rule in your hearts this Christmas season.