While visiting in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) our team was asked by that government to place a wreath at the memorial of their first Great Leader, Kim IL-sung. We agreed to go to his memorial and place a wreath recognizing that he was the country’s first leader. Officials asked us to bow before his statue after placing the wreath. We refused to do so. Those observing our demonstration asked why we would not bow in respect for their leader. Our response was, “We bow before no one person but Jesus Christ.” We did agree to step back from the wreath, after placing it, and stand silently out of respect for their country and its leader. That’s what we did, and our demonstration seemed to satisfy our hosts.
As citizens of this great land of ours, we proudly proclaim that we are “One Nation under God, Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” America is still a nation that honors God. We honor our military’s soldiers, our government officials, our first responders and law enforcement personnel, but we worship God, and Him alone. Praise God that we live in a country in which our freedom to worship and gather in fellowship before Him is preserved. Today, we worship together in Jesus’ name while, at the same time, paying tribute to those who have made it possible.
George W. Bush said, “We ask a lot of those who wear our uniform. We ask them to leave their loved ones, to travel great distances, to risk injury, and to even be prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice of their lives. They are dedicated. They are honorable. They represent the best of our country, and we are grateful.” AMEN!