First off, we will ramp up our efforts to minister to children through Vacation Bible School. Already, craft supplies are being collected, young people are learning the motions and music for VBS worship, cookies and Kool-Aid are being stock-piled, teachers are preparing their lessons, while decorations are collected for their classes. A great deal of planning and effort must happen for Vacation Bible School to be the ministry it needs to be.
Our church family must pray for the children, teachers and volunteers who give their best in order that Vacation Bible School results in young lives being led to faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord. More children are saved through Vacation Bible School than any other single effort employed by the church. Not only do children give their lives to Jesus during VBS, they learn to respect the truth of God’s word. They begin to be drawn together by the loving care of a church family. Children enjoy Vacation Bible School and develop a healthy feeling about what they experience at church. Remember to pray for:
June 23 – 27
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
There are two events which Vacation Bible School generates that have been integrated into the fabric of our church family. The first is the community-wide BLOCK PARTY. This year’s party will be on Saturday, June 22nd. This is a great time for our church to welcome people from the community to our church and its ministry. Children are the primary focus, but do not miss the opportunity we have to touch mothers and fathers, full families that come to watch their children have a fun-filled time at Grace. These two-hours prior to Vacation Bible School become an evangelistic encounter in which adults see for themselves the difference that a caring congregation can make in their lives. Everyone who comes will witness the truth about the love of Jesus because they see the way we love one another. Plan now to be a part of the BLOCK PARTY atmosphere.
Then comes the After VBS Picnic and Baptism Service. This year’s picnic will be July 14, 4:00 to 8:00 pm. We will baptize in Lake Sidney Lanier. This is a follow-up to Vacation Bible School as those who have made public professions of faith come in obedience to be baptized.
This year we will also observe a memorial service for Kathy Tyson who was baptized three years ago in the lake following VBS. Her family is planning to attend from Virginia and Nebraska. This memorial will be a time in which Kathy’s faith in Jesus will extend beyond her life to her sons, brothers and other family member who may be in attendance.
In addition, our church family will be able to show them the love of Jesus. This year’s event will be more than a picnic. Hot dogs, hamburgers, side dishes, games, and lake water will become a means by which we will give testimony to the saving grace available in Jesus Christ.
This is only June. We have the rest of Summer to reach people and tell them about Jesus. Thank the Lord for Summer. You may enjoy a vacation with your family and be away during these coming weeks, but Jesus will be busy every day. I am praying for a spectacular Summer in which our church reaches out and introduces many new people to faith in Him.