Today is another MILE-STONE in the history of Grace Baptist Church. There have been several of these special occurrences from the Lord in recent years. I can remember when we were praying that God would give our church 100 people in worship on a regular basis. That one was reached in July of 2015 and we have seen over 100 in worship with few exception ever since.
We prayed that God would give us 200 people in attendance this Easter. Up until that time, our highest Sunday was 194 which was Mother’s Day in 2015 with a Baby Dedication special emphasis. God answered our prayers and sent 204 people to worship here at Grace this past Easter Sunday morning. We have been praying regularly that God would bring 100 to Bible Study through Sunday School. As of yet, our highest Sunday has been 86 on several occasions. We are very close to meeting this MILE-STONE. I believe that God will answer this prayer very soon, and we will be overjoyed to have 100 people meeting regularly to study God’s word.
Other MILE-STONES have been met which we witness now on a regular basis. Let me just name a few:
- Baby Dedication – This past Sunday 3 babies were dedicated to the Lord.
- Paying Off Debt – The loan with United Community Bank was paid in full on March 13, 2015.
- Increased Baptisms – Already this year Grace has baptized 8 into the kingdom of God.
- Discipleship Groups Starting – This month we have a small women’s discipleship group started with Experiencing God.
- Nominating Committee work with committees and teams elected – This has been accomplished this year.
- Constitution and Bylaw Approved – Accomplished in 2015.
All of these important stepping stones give us concrete evidence of God’s mighty work within our church. God is moving us forward. We have seen miracles take place that only God can do.
Today is a MILE-STONE Sunday that only God could have caused to happen. Today is a MIRACLE Sunday. As we vote today to step forward from our rented location to a permanent place of ownership and responsibility, give God the glory. I have searched the scriptures and have chosen this verse to be our MILE-STONE WATCHWORD: “Now the God of peace, who brought up from the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the eternal covenant, even Jesus our Lord, equip you in every good thing to do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen” (Hebrews 13:20-21). Today, honor Jesus. Do that which is pleasing to Him. Whether we choose to move, or stay where we are, let’s give Him glory. Let’s be His glory as His people desiring only to do His will.