- Our TeamKid program could use a bus like this one to pick up children on Sunday evenings to attend their Bible study. Attendance would immediately increase through utilizing a vehicle like this one to transport the children to and from church.
- Our young people are always in need of transportation to and from their events.
- Men’s Ministry, Women’s Ministry and ministry to our Senior Adults would greatly benefit having transportation readily available.
Now, God has led someone to step up and make a sacrificial investment to provide what we need.
Of course, this means that our church will accept the gift and plan a suitable framework to utilize it. We must develop a workable plan to manage the rules and guidelines for its use.
- We will budget insurance, upkeep and fuel costs into our ongoing ministry funding.
- Drivers will need to volunteer and be scheduled each week and for special events.
- Our church will need to adopt the plans that guide the use of a bus like this one.
A benefactor is someone who gives something to someone else. The greatest benefactor of all is God who has given His, “…only begotten Son so that whosoever believes in Him may have eternal life” (John 3:16). Salvation is a gift from God that we receive by faith, “It is by grace that you are saved through faith…” (Ephesians 2:8)
Our church family has been blessed over the years by the benefactors God has provided to meet our needs at the most crucial times. We have had benefactors who have anonymously given sums of money to help us pay down or pay off debt. I remember a gift of almost $30,000 given to pay off outstanding debt associated with our previous location.
- Who can forget what Mr. Walters did to make it possible for us to purchase the property where we now are plus match our giving dollar-for-dollar up to $150,000 to renovate our facilities?
Now, there is a 16-passenger bus outside,
- fully air conditioned,
- new tires,
- a motor with only 80,000 miles on it,
- beautifully painted,
- lettered and
- identified so as to attract unchurched people to our location.
God keeps sending sign after sign to show us that He is doing His mighty work among us.
After service this morning, we will gather around this bus to give God thanks for the benefactor who has offered it. We pray a prayer of commitment to use it for His glory and lay our hands on it because this bus really belongs to God who is the giver of every perfect gift.