Our church family has consistently given over and above the goal established through the church’s 2020 Budget. As of this past Sunday, the Budget goal amounted to $133,167,60. Gifts received have exceeding that number by $7,184.64 because total contributions amount to $140,352,24. In addition, our Building and Renovation account has grown to $290,449.68. Grace has been abundantly blessed by God as a church whose members practice good biblical stewardship.
Of course, God has blessed our fellowship with new members and recent salvations. When have seen Bradley Swanner and Aubrey Mendez walk the isle to express their faith in Jesus Christ and present themselves has candidates for baptism and membership into the Grace Church family? While attendance has leveled to around 90 to 100 each week due to the pandemic, God continues to demonstrate His blessing upon us through new faces, good stewardship and people coming to faith in Jesus and membership in the church.
There is another clear sign of God’s hand upon us. When young folks recognize that God has worked in their lives to call them into kingdom service, you know that He is done something wonderful within the church body. God has called three men to serve as Deacons within the Grace church family:
Josh Dixon – 3-year term
Weldon Rogers – 3-year term
Weldon was ordained to serve as a deacon by our church 4 years ago. Ken and Josh are newly elected deacons who will be ordained to serve. The Ordination Counsel will meet on Sunday afternoon, October 25th at 5:00 pm to pray with and consider the scriptural basis for ordination with these newly elected deacons. The Bible says, “Deacons likewise must be men of dignity, not double-tongued, or addicted to much wine or fond of sordid gain, but holding to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience” (1 Timothy 3:8-9). The purpose of the Ordination Counsel is to understand better what Ken and Josh believe about the Bible, Jesus, Salvation, the Church and other great doctrines we hold dear. Once the Council approves, they will be presented to the church for ordination which will take place on Sunday morning, November 1st. The Deacon Body will lay hands on these men to encourage and pray for them. The church family will approve of the Ordination as recommended by the Ordination Council and set these three apart for deacon service within the church family.
Set these dates aside and plan to be a part of what God is doing in our church to show us His presence and power calling people to step up and step out as devoted followers of Jesus. We sincerely praise Him for every good gift that comes from His hand.