An urgent need has been received from our missionary Tim Douglas serving in the Republic of Georgia. God has greatly blessed Tim’s ministry there advancing his scope of influence and impact throughout the country. The church Tim and his family are planting in Tbilisi has grown to the point that they have located property on which to locate a permanent place of worship and ministry. Tim has asked that our church consider sending funds in the amount of which will help his people secure the site. The total amount needed at this time is $5,000 by the end of December. Pray about this request from one of our own church family missionaries who faithfully serves in another part of the world. Ask God about what you should give to meet this need. Bring a love offering before the end of the month designated to Tim Douglas Need, Republic of Georgia and we will forward it on through the appropriate channels.
Today, we wish to welcome guests and family members who will be attending our worship service to hear the Students and Children perform the Christmas Pageant, “The-Not-So-Silent-Night”. We praise God for all that He is doing to grow the Student and Children’s Ministries of our church. Today, 36 young people will fill the front of our worship center to declare the truth about the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ. They will sing the truth. They will speak the truth. They will lead us to rejoice in the truth about Christmas. We live in an era in which the truth is becoming a rare commodity. There is a certain clarity and trustworthiness in the voices of the young. They tell you exactly what’s on their heart. They pull no punches. They have not forgotten what the blessing of honesty is.
The little boy was sent by his mother to buy a 65-cent loaf of bread. While the baker was putting the bread into a bag, the boy noticed that the loaf looked rather small. “Isn’t that a small loaf of bread for 65 cents?”
“You’ll have less to carry,” replied the baker.
The boy put 50 cents on the counter. “You’re 15 cents short,” said the baker.
“That’s right,” replied the boy. “You’ll have less to count.”
(Source unknown, Lou Nicholes - Missionary/Author)
The presentation our young people give our church family today will make the most out of this season’s celebration, not less. Notice their complete joy as they stand before us. Pay attention to their total honesty and selfless humility. They will be nervous, but they will speak their lines despite the jitters. Some will be bashful, and others will be front-row hams. Truth is, God has given us these students and children to help us learn how to exalt Jesus at Christmas. Give Thanks for the innocence of our students and children who joyously proclaim the truth that Jesus Christ was born to bring us salvation, peace and eternal life. Praise God for this amazing gift!