It seems our church has reached and broken the 100 barrier on a regular basis. We have this summer experienced more Sundays with more than a 100 in attendance than we have had with less than a 100. Breaking the 100 mark has been a constant prayer for us over the last 2 years and God has now blessed us by answering our request and exceeding it. This is a real joy and incentive for us to look forward to the next milestone of 150 regularly attending each week.
To this end, chairs have been added to the Worship Center making it possible to now seat 200 people. I am thrilled that we may continue to invite people and welcome new faces into our fellowship because our facilities will accommodate the next level of growth. As our church prays and works to reach 150 people, we will see new opportunities for ministry to our children and youth. We will see our ministry to young families, bed babies and preschoolers flourish. These are exciting days as our church continues to reach people for Christ.
Last Sunday, we reached a new milestone in Sunday School. For the first time, we have reached 80 people attending Bible study through the Sunday School. There is no reason for us to look back, but forward as we contact people and encourage more people to study God’s word in our small group environment every Sunday morning. We have measured every classroom and have determined that we can, in our present facilities, house 130 to 150 people in Bible study units. It is thrilling to know that we can in the space we now have, accommodate new classes as well as increased attendance. Our church normally runs about 30 percent more in worship than in Sunday School. At this rate, when we attain 130 people in Sunday School, we will regularly have in turn 170+ in worship. The best way to reach our next level of 150 in worship is to continue to develop our Sunday School. If you are not yet a part of a small group Bible study, why not get started with your whole family now. You will be blessed to share God’s word with others your age who love you and care about your spiritual welfare.
This Sunday we will elect Nominating Committee members, a new Facilities Dream Team, and 6 men who will serve the Lord as Deacons here at Grace. These are additional milestones that mean our church is not only growing numerically, but developing organizationally. These leaders will work to share the responsibility of insuring the health, unity and nurture of our church. It is vital that more and more people assume positions by which their spiritual gifts and divine calling to service are utilized to extend God’s glorious kingdom here at Grace. These actions taking place today are more significant than an election. They represent the work of the Holy Spirit calling people to service and a spiritual step forward as our church grows more proficient in its impact for Christ and His kingdom. Be strong in prayer today and do not miss your opportunity to make your mark on the future of God’s kingdom here at Grace.