Children and adults will receive a little pamphlet tonight entitled, “The Best TREAT of All.” Listen to what this tract says in the first paragraph, “The Best Treat of All, what is it? Is it lots of candy in your trick-or-treat bag? That’s great, but it won’t last long! I think the best treat is having a best friend. Do you have a best friend? Do you have someone who loves you and will never give up on you no matter what? I do, and I want to tell you about him.”
Of course, our best friend is Jesus. The tract goes on to tell you how you can invite Jesus Christ into your life to become your Savior and your best friend. I think I am most excited about the possibility that children, young people, mothers and dads may read this pamphlet and make Jesus Christ their Savior. I am praying that people will be saved tonight because this church has shared Christ with them along with the activities and treats they will enjoy. Bring a lost person to Trunk or Treat with you. I plan to share Jesus with a lot of folks tonight.
This coming Wednesday, October 30th our church has been invited to participate in another Trunk or Treat event at the Texas Roadhouse on Highway 53. In fact, people from the Texas Roadhouse are going to join us here at our church tonight to promote their event and pass out coupons from their restaurant. Their mascot “Andy” the Armadillo will be here along with their employees. It is truly a special blessing to welcome them and work side-by-side with them to make everyone feel at home during the event. They have encouraged us to invite our members to decorate at least 6 cars to participate with them at their location. They have welcomed us to share our message about Jesus and information about our church. Other local businesses will be there alongside us. We are so grateful for Matthew and Brenda Knuckles for their encouragement in making this opportunity possible. Pray that God will use this to bring people who need Jesus into his eternal family.
Can you tell that God is at work among us?
Reaching new people today through our Sunday School “Bring a Friend Day” emphasis along with the Trunk or Treat events tonight and Wednesday align our ministry to the commands of Jesus, “You shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)