This has been an amazing week in the life of Grace. We have seen God do amazing things. Monday evening, the Relocation Dream Team met to continue planning the work for moving our church to a new place.
Reports from the sub-teams were shared with great appreciation for the way our volunteers are doing the work and the progress that is being made. We are now 2 weeks ahead of our schedule.
Our meeting with the Certificate of Occupancy Inspector was scheduled at 10:00 am. The building was thoroughly reviewed, and the construction/renovation master plan was carefully studied. The grounds, parking lots and available undeveloped land was surveyed giving us a complete once-over. I felt like our church had been given a complete physical.
Only a few cosmetic improvements and corrections will be necessary before we will be granted our Certificate of Occupancy necessary to move our congregation to the new site. This is a welcomed answer to our prayers. This is another visible sign that God is out in front of us demonstrating His control in every step we take to be faithful to Him.
I am in a spirit of thanksgiving today for every volunteer, every Saturday Warrior, every Weekday Servant who has donated time, energy and experienced talent to make the needed improvements to our new buildings. Your labors paid off today.
I am thankful for every “One Mile for God’s Glory” donor. Our congregation, friends and partners have contributed, $62,683.80 to the Capital Campaign thus far. We have only $12,316.00 to go in reaching the half-way point of $150,000.00. I am praising God for Mr. Jim Walters who has generously pledged to match every dollar contributed to the campaign up to $150,000.00. Imagine $300,000.00 available to relocate and renovate the new site.
This is a week to celebrate! It is a week to be thankful. This is a week to “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow!” We only have 5 weeks left in the current location.
Grace Baptist Church has occupied this facility and property for 9 years. God has been merciful and kind over these years. God has blessed grace with healing, growth, and unity during our tenure here. Even though this place has been temporary. Even though we have been unsure of the next steps in the history of our ministry, God has blessed. You know?
God is alive. He works in every situation, in any location to accomplish His purpose. I want to call your attention to God’s promise:
“He put all things in subjection under His feet and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.” (Ephesians 1:22-23)
Christ is head of the body. He is now at work subjecting all things unto Himself in order that we may become filled with everything that pertains to His glorious will and purpose.