The word before us today from God’s word is VISION. The Bible says:
“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keeps the law, happy is he.” (Proverbs 29:18, KJV)
Literally, the verse says, when people lose their vision, they lose their restraint. They become disoriented and wander like what Jesus called:
“…sheep without a shepherd.” (Matthew 9:36)
Vision is like the North Star that guides the sailors across the ocean. A vision is like a compass that keeps you on course. Without a vision, you are a lost child who cannot find his way.
Yesterday, I saw a good example of what vision can do when the men of our church came together to host their first Classic Car Show and then in the afternoon provided a Poor Man’s Dinner and Corn Hole Tournament. I remember when one or two of our men said, “We want to have a Car Show here at our church.” As the plans developed, they expanded to include a Poor Man’s Dinner and Corn Hole competition. The driving force behind it all was a VISION of what God might do to draw unchurched and unsaved people together through these events with the promise of clean and family oriented fun. People like to show off their classic cars. People enjoy good food. People get excited when something fun is offered in the spirit of good fellowship and love.
I took advantage of the VISION our men brought about yesterday. You know VISION is more than a good idea. VISION is not the same thing as a dream. A VISION has to happen for it to be real. The VISION our men had of what God might do through the car show and tournament was made real by the hard work they did and the prayers they prayed.
My job yesterday was to go around and talk about Jesus to the people God led to come. I prayed and asked God to honor the VISION of our men by sending unsaved and lost people that we could point to Jesus. Guess what--HE DID:
- I met people who were not attending a church anywhere.
- I talked with people who were active in church, but had not been in church for some time.
- I witnessed to folks who knew about Jesus—believed in Jesus, but had not made Him their savior.
Imagine that! The VISION our men had to have a Classic Car Show and Corn Hole Competition resulted in a Witness and Testimony to the life changing power of Jesus Christ. That’s what a VISION does. It ends up bigger and better than you could have ever imagined.
There was a woman who was losing her eyesight who received the news from the doctor that she would eventually not be able to see again. She explained to her physician that she had lived a good life, raised wonderful children and was attended to by a faithful and caring family. She happily told her doctor how good God had been through the years to her and her husband. She told him how greatly blessed she felt in spite of the coming blindness he foresaw in her future. The doctor made a statement to her that is worth remembering, when he said,
“You will have no eyesight, but what you do have is vision.”
Praise God for the VISION I saw at work in the Men of Grace yesterday.