“Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote…that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.”
This is what I did not do last Monday morning before I voted. I did not turn on the television to listen to news broadcasts. I did not get out my smart phone to read any news stories or reports. I did not pick up the newspaper. I did not ask Robbie or any of my children who they were planning to vote for and they did not ask me. I did not turn on the radio to talk stations on my way to the polling location.
Here’s what I did. I opened my Bible early that morning and I read the Sermon on the Mount written in Matthew, chapters 5-7. I read it again and again. I meditated on what Jesus said about human conduct. I thought about what Jesus taught us to do when we pray. I focused my attention to the things that are important to God like our attitude toward the poor, how we should conduct ourselves when facing our enemies, how we treat others, manage our wealth, and overcome our worries. I listened again to God’s Golden Rule,
“In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 7:12)
I read about the man who built his house on the sand and what happened when the wind blew and the rain fell. That man’s house did not stand. Then I read about the man who built his house on the rock. That man’s house stood strong in the face of the storm.
While reading these life-giving truths from God’s word, I felt myself being relieved in my spirit. I found my heart being encouraged by the word of God. I became motivated to pray and ask God to guide my hands that would soon touch boxes beside people’s names who were running for offices of responsibility. I wanted to be true to what I read in God’s word, so I asked God to literally guide my hands to touch the names of people who would govern according to what the Bible says and what I had just read.
When Robbie and I finished early voting, we went to I-Hop and celebrated. We got the senior’s 2 x 2 x 2 breakfast: Two eggs fixed anyway you like, Two pieces of bacon or sausage, and PRAISE GOD – Two pancakes. We rewarded ourselves. There is nothing better than pancakes after you vote. I recommend it. SPLURGE! Do something good for yourselves after you vote this Tuesday, because voting is one of the most sacred opportunities we have in this country. Your vote matters not only to your family and this country. It matters to God.