Remember the parable of the Sower and the Seed?
The farmer went out to his field and began to sow his seed. He threw the seed everywhere. Some fell on the roadside. Some fell in rocky places and still other seed fell in sunny places. Some fell where thorns and weeds choked it out. The point of the parable is that not every seed produces a harvest. Then at last some of the seeds fell in the good soil and produced a 30-fold, 60-fold and 100-fold harvest. That is the secret of the harvest. God produces when we are faithful to participate. God brings in when we go out.
Think about the possibilities. When we are faithful to distribute 5,000 tracts, what will happen if we trust God for the lowest return of 30 percent. Thirty percent of 5,000 is 1,500.
What will happen if 1,500 people actually read the tracts, we give them?
What about the possibilities if 10 percent of the 1,500 people read the tract twice?
That means that 150 people will at least go deeper and think more about Jesus and what it means to trust Him as their personal Savior. We could anticipate, according to the promise of the harvest, that planting the seeds of these gospel tracts might result in 150 people, which is an equal number of people attending our regular Sunday morning services prior to the pandemic thinking seriously about becoming a believer in Jesus Christ. By the 30 percent promise of the harvest, we could see 45 new believers born into the kingdom of God. Do not minimize the power of God’s promise of the harvest when we are faithful to sow the seeds of the gospel. The Psalmist said, “He who goes to and fro weeping, carrying his bag of seed, will indeed come again with a shout of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.” (Psalm 126:6)
There is a gospel tract in your bulletin this morning. I want to challenge you to take that one tract and give it to somebody this week. Don’t be choosy. Give it to a work associate, or a friend, or a family member, or a stranger you meet and the store or anywhere. Leave it on the table in the restaurant with your generous tip inside. Let’s pray about these tracts. Ask God to bless this one tract and give you the joy of doing something that will build up the kingdom of God. Let’s see what God does.
I will ask you next Sunday to report in and share with our church family how God used you to plant a seed. We can motivate each other to be more faithful in sharing our faith. We can test the Lord of the Harvest about the way He works to build up our church and His kingdom work. Let’s expect miracles to happen.