The apostle Paul said, “For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes” (I Corinthians 11:26). The Lord’s Supper expresses what we believe about the crucifixion and how our salvation is bought with the prices of our Lord’s broken body and shed blood.
N. T. Wright said, “When He wanted to explain to His disciples what the Lord’s His death was all about, He didn’t give them a theory, He gave them a meal.”
He sat down with them as He had done so many times. He even served them the bread and filled their cups. Jesus even after the meal was finish wrapped a towel around His waist and washed their feet as an example of how they should serve others. It was a humbling experience. It was a close and intimate moment in which He showed them how much He loved them.
As we receive the elements of the Lord’s Supper this morning, think about how much Jesus loves you. He loves you enough to give you a remembrance of His broken body which He willing gave for your eternal salvation. He loves you so much that His blood, every drop is sufficient to atone for every one of your sins. His blood is the price paid for your righteous standing before God. We truly are washing clean through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. So, praise God! The Lord’s Supper is a reminder that Jesus Christ and His cross is all we need to confirm that we are gloriously saved through His amazing sacrifice.
especially His own fellowship.”