- Two Single Ladies Car Care Events: April 14 and October 14
- Two Motor Cycle Drive-In’s: April 14 and October 14
- Good Friday Service, March 30
- Easter Celebration, April 14
- Reaching Revival: April 1, April 8, April 15, April 22
- Student D-Now Weekend and Lock-In, April 13-14
- Women’s Ministry to Callaway Trip, May 12
- Baby Dedication, May 13
- Graduate Recognition Sunday, May 27
- Student Game Day, June 3
- Vacation Bible School Block Party, June 23
- Vacation Bible School, June 25-29
- Student Ministry White Water Retreat, July 13-15
- Church wide Picnic and Baptism in Lake Lanier, July 15
- Widows Luncheon, July 21
- Back to School Block Party – Copper Springs Community, August 4
- Hosted Chattahoochee Baptist Association Executive Committee Dinner and Meeting, August 14
- Children’s Security Training, September 16
These 14 ministry events are in addition to our ongoing programs of Sunday School, Women’s and Men’s Ministry Bible Studies, Student Ministry Fellowships and Bible Studies, Church Committee and Team Meetings, Visitation Ministry and Wednesday Night Prayer/Bible Study Ministry. I have not even mentioned the sweat and labor it took to renovate the upper building in which we now worship. All this ministry, time and service has been for Jesus. There is no way to measure exactly how everything planned, supported by volunteers and under-girded with God’s money has impacted the lives of people outside our church. Yes, we have seen new people attend and new members join, but not nearly as many as all those in whom the seeds of the gospel has been planted through our total ministry. One thing is for sure and can be stated with certainty. Since moving to this new place, our church has not lost one step or one ounce of its energy in its ongoing service for the kingdom of God.
Remember what I preached 7 months ago on our first Sunday in this place. The title of the sermon was, “Paul’s May-Be’s for Grace,” from Ephesians 3:14-19. Remember what the “May-Be’s” were?
- That we will be Strong in Jesus.
- That we will be Secure in Jesus.
- That we will be Saturated with Jesus.
I plan to preach that same passage again today, because these 3 “May-Be’s” never change. The question is after 7 months of ministry here, are we STRONGER, MORE SECURE AND BECOMING FULLY SATURATED in Jesus who has called us and equipped us to serve Him here?
Paul said to the church at Philippi;
“Brothers and Sisters, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but on thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14)
Grace Baptist Church is a PRESSING ON church. We PRESS ON to become all that Jesus wants us to be.