We are now in the position to close out our two-year long “One Mile for God’s Glory” Capital Campaign. We are within, $7,000 of achieving our overall goal of $150,000. Pledges have been made by several members which will more than accomplish the remaining amount. This victory is monumental for our congregation. You will recall that we raised a bit more than $86,000 in our original campaign pledge drive. We actually pledged 58% of the total campaign amount. To date, actual receipts total $57,000 more than was pledged. That means God has led members and interested partners to give 38% more than was originally pledged. Today, our church has raised 96% of the total campaign goal.
God may lead you to give a year-end, OVER-THE-TOP donation toward the completion of the $150,000 “One Mile for God’s Glory” goal. Campaign envelopes are available for your donations. The campaign goal has been accomplished through what has already been received and what has been pledged to come in soon. Your donation today will amount to a praise gift to God for His blessing and mighty power. Give something to say thank you to God and offer your expression your honor to Him.
We turn now, at the beginning of a New Year, to achieve new goals and adventures in the Lord’s work. I want to urge you to pray about your regular tithes and contributions to the church. Will you pray about increasing what you are now giving? Our 2018 Church Budget as of last Sunday is well below what is required on a weekly basis. The budget calls for weekly income of $3,100, but the actual receipt total amount is approximately $2,700.
I have been praying about this matter during the Christmas season. God has blessed us in attendance over the last two weeks leading 183 people to attend on December 16, 155 to attend on December 23, and 112 to attend on the December 24th Candlelight Service. Our church has finished the year with the highest attendance we have had in several weeks. We have almost completed our Capital Campaign. Total receipts including tithes and offerings, plus gifts to the capital campaign, have averaged $3,900 per week throughout the year. Our average weekly income including budget and campaign offerings amount to $800 more than what our current budget amount.
I do not believe God wants us to cut ministry in order to lower our current budget. I plan to ask our Stewardship and Finance Team to present a 2019 Church Budget which is the same as what we now have. Let’s trust the Lord to perform another miracle. I believer He will lead us to increase what we give in tithes and offerings to the ministry of our church. Based on what the Lord has done, I believe we will see Him do more than we can even imagine throughout the coming year.