God has given our church one of the most wonderful Vacation Bible School weeks that I can remember. We have enrolled this week over 60 children and young people. This means that, including our workers, over 80 people have participated in the study of God’s word, fellowship of God’s people, and the joy of the Lord every night. I wish every member of our church could have watched our children dance, move their arms, sing and be completely absorbed in the music and meaning of all that happened through our GALACTIC STARVEYOR worship services. The children know that God is the creator of everything and that He desires a personal relationship with every one of them. They have memorized the theme:
“The heavens are telling the glory of God, and the expanse is declaring the work of His hands.” (Psalm 19:1)
Grace Baptist Church will benefit from the efforts and sacrifices made through this week of Vacation Bible School for months to come.
The week’s activities have functioned like a well-oiled machine. The children were exceptionally well behaved. Our leadership planned and carried forward the schedule and activities without flaw. Teachers were well prepared and completely attentive to presenting the gospel in a way that was fun and exciting. As I walked through the church each night, I praised God again and again for the amazing dedication and spirit of our leaders, teachers and volunteers. Thank you goes to VBS Co-Directors Carol Childers and Sandy Jordan for your leadership and tireless efforts.
God rewarded the work of our hands this week. On Wednesday night, the Lord worked in the hearts of two children as they prayed to receive Jesus as Savior. One adult made a profession of faith and plans to be baptized. One of our middle school students made a commitment to Christ and to be baptized. I am praying that even more will step forward tonight in the final Parent’s Night Service to make commitments for Christ. I look forward to sharing with our entire congregation this coming Sunday the final report of all that God did.
“When they had arrived and gathered the church together, they began to report all things that God had done with them and how He had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles.” (Acts 14:27)
This week through Vacation Bible School, God opened the door of faith in the lives of our children. When a child comes to Jesus, you never forget it.
A young 8 year old girl came to me Wednesday night and said, “I gave my heart to Jesus last night.”