- The Church shall select godly men to serve in the capacity of New Testament Deacons (Philippians 1:1, 1 Timothy 3:8-13). The Deacons are to be servants of the Church and its members (Acts 6:1-3). The task of the Deacon is primarily to protect and buildup the unity and health of the Church. The Deacon’s ministry of care includes looking after the spiritual well-being of the members, visiting the sick, and caring for the needy and home bound; encouraging the members and supporting them in prayer; helping in the benevolence ministries of the Church; and promoting the proclamation of the gospel to believers and unbelievers.
You may choose two names from the list of men included in your bulletin this morning. These men have agreed to serve in the office of Deacon should they be elected. Give prayerful consideration to the names you choose and trust that God will enable them to accomplish what He wants them to do here at Grace.
Approval, September 1st
Morning Service
Our church family unanimously approved the DEFINITION portion of this Manual on July 14th, with the direction to approve the Operations and Procedures portion at a later time. The Operations and Procedures portion of the Manual is now complete and has been reviewed by the Deacon Body of the church as well as 22 church members who have unanimously approved its content for submission to the full church for final approval. The Manual in its entirety has been reviewed by Chief Tim Hatch of the Oakwood City Police Department in order to communicate the overall plan to local law enforcement.
Our church will also approve today the Resolution on Security that will guide our members concerning House Bill 60. House Bill 60 informs congregations about the state’s Right to Carry legislation within places of worship. Our church is not proposing to be a “Non-Carry” church. We are asking anyone who feels the need to carry a firearm or knife on campus here at Grace to conceal it at all times for the sake of our children and young people. The preference is that all weapons be secured either at home or within automobiles, but when someone chooses to carry on campus, it should be concealed out of sight.
In addition, a number of our members (16) have agreed to serve as Greeters according to the directions set forth in the Manual:
- Chris and Christy Bruce
- Ken and Susan Grindle
- Matthew and Brenda Knuckles
- Dwayne Shope
- David and Sandy Jordan
- Edward Grant
- Regina Grant
- Aaron McLawhorn
- Richard McLawhorn
- Chuck Whitehead
Support Volunteers
- Earl Pirkle
- Phil Peters
More volunteers will be added to this roster as the ministry progresses. Pray for all of these people who have stepped forward and volunteered to contribute their efforts to improve the hospitality ministry of our church making Grace a welcoming and safe place to worship and serve Jesus Christ.
You will be given a copy of the Greeters/Security Manual to take with you today to review and prepare for its approval next Sunday morning. Read through it and ask God to give you wisdom about your decision. This process has taken months to complete. Guidance has been secured from the
- Georgia Bureau of Investigation,
- various Hall County Churches,
- The Georgia Baptist Mission Board Attorney’s Office,
- and The Oakwood City Police Department.
Approving this Manual will advance our church in its ministry of hospitality and ongoing security interests. It will be a great blessing to get our team in place and the process underway.
Pastor Mike