I’ve heard that people are tired because of the fear and separation created by the pandemic. The country is weary of political divisions. Many folks are having to manage now with less money and job insecurity. Maybe the reason Christmas decorations are being put up early is because we are ready for a change to a more peaceful and more kind time of year. Maybe people are ready to hear the angels sing, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and good will among men with whom He is pleased.” (Luke 2:14)
I am tired of meanness. This COVID pandemic is not kind. It is mean and deadly. People have learned how to be mean toward others who have a different opinions, or wear different colored skin, or speak a different language. Go ahead and admit it. It has become difficult these days for families to even sit down at the same table together to share a meal without someone getting upset by the conversation or some different point of view. Some wear masks and others do not. Some voted this way, and some voted another way. Meanness is not foreign even among people who are supposed to love each other. Meanness today is as rampant and deadly to friendship as COVID 19.
My friend, T. Richard Davis died this week. He was 96 years old. T. Richard, as we used to call him, was one of the kindest men I have ever known. He lived by the Biblical standard, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:32) T. Richard’s kindness flowed out of his humility. Every time you talked to him you felt better after the conversation. He had a way of getting underneath you and lifting you up. He made you feel like your idea mattered and that what you had to say was worth his full attention. T. Richard Davis was without doubt a “Kind Soul.”
The Advent Season is a season of kindness. It expresses in four separate Sundays, beginning this Sunday and ending with our Christmas Eve service, the kindness of God express in:
- Hope – November 29
- Preparation – December 6
- Joy – December 13
- Love – December 20
- Jesus Christ – December 25
One thing is for certain. God showed His wonderful kindness toward us in sending Jesus to save us and teach us how to be kind to others, “But when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared, He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, buy the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior.” (Titus 3:4-6)
That’s what I’m praying for this Advent Season. I’m praying for a rain shower of kindness that will lift us up out of the mess we are in. I need a good dose of God’s kindness right now. Let the kindness of Jesus flow out of heaven on Grace Baptist Church this Christmas.