Our church begins its observance of the Advent Season today. We worship together this morning and throughout December in honor and celebration of the coming of our Savior into this world. I will be preaching a series of sermons for the next 4 weeks entitled “LOVE DOWNLOADED.” The apostle John said in his gospel, “…the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). When Jesus was born, God downloaded His love in human flesh. He dwelled among men. People saw God’s glory in the life of a Savior.
The internet has taught us how to download. It has become a part of everyday life. When we find information out there in the digital world that we would like to have for ourselves, we simply make a place for it somewhere in our computer, click the save button and instantly what’s out there becomes ours. We download recipes, pictures, documents, quotes, all kinds of good stuff. As of right now, the internet and computers cannot transfer human flesh no matter how powerful and how fast your gigabytes process the data. Only God can download a life and He did it when Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born into the world by the Virgin Mary.
I pray that this series will help us prepare for Christmas Day and that we will download the true meaning of the Advent Season into our homes, families and daily lives. I heard this Christmas story the other day:
A little 10 year old boy asked his mother if Santa could bring him a new bicycle for Christmas. His mother told him by the way he had acted and because her funds were limited, Santa could not do everything he demanded. She told him that he should go into his room, write a letter to Jesus and pray for one instead.
The boy’s first letter read: “Dear Jesus, I’ve been a good boy this year. Can I please have a new bike for Christmas this year? Signed, “Little Johnny.”
The boy tore up the letter because he figured Jesus really knew he had not been that good. So, he tried again, “Dear Jesus, I’ve been mostly good this year. Can I please have a new bike for Christmas this year?” Signed, “Little Johnny.”
The boy knew that was not true either, so he ripped that one up as well. He left his room, went outside in the cold, walked down the street and wound up in the local Catholic Church. Sitting inside for a few minutes he suddenly jumped up, grabbed the statue of the Virgin Mary, ran home and hid the image under his bed. He wrote his final letter, “Dear Jesus, I’ve got your Mama. If you want to see her again, make sure I have a new bike for Christmas.”
Downloading God’s love is not possible because we deserve it. It is because God loved us so much that “…He gave us His only begotten Son, so that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).