August has been designated as Sunday School Build-Up month. You will want to mark your calendar because every Sunday has a special Sunday School emphasis:
- August 7th – Sunday School Kick-Off Sunday, get your special prayer reminder Bible Book Marker
- August 14th – Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Sunday
- August 21st – Sunday School High Attendance Sunday, Reaching 100 for God’s Glory
- August 27th – 12 Hour Prayer Vigil for Sunday School
- September 4th – Sunday School Promotion Day, Starting 2 New Classes
Begin now to pray and join your friends and church family members in this opportunity to build up our Sunday School. We trust God to send new people who are not yet a part of a Bible study class to become involved in a small group experience that will expand your love and understanding of God’s word. We are asking God to send more of our parents and their children to Sunday School. There is a growing our Sunday School and increasing the impact our church makes through the study of His word.
August is also designated by our Church Constitution and Bylaws for selection of Deacons. We now have 6 Deacons who serve on a rotating basis. There will be two deacons which rotate off every year. As our constitution reads, we will select two men to serve as Deacons this month, “The church shall elect Deacons by ballot at regular business meetings of the church. There shall be one Deacon elected for assigned service for every 12 to 15 church families, with a minimum of three serving at all times. A list of eligible candidates for service as Deacons will be presented to the Church prior to the 4th Sunday in August. Church members may vote by secret ballot to nominate candidates for service as Deacons during the morning worship service on the 4th Sunday in August…”
According to our By-Laws, the names of eligible men to serve in this capacity will be presented to the congregation next Sunday morning, August 14th. Every church member will have the opportunity to select two names from this list. The two eligible men receiving the greatest number of votes will be contacted by members of the Deacon body in order to secure their affirmation to serve. The final approval of the congregation in regard to those selected and called to serve will take place on August 27th in the morning worship service.
The Bible tells us that Deacons should be, “…men of dignity, not double-tongued, or addicted to much wine or fond of sordid gain, but hold to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. These men must also first be tested; then let them serve as deacons if they are beyond reproach” (I Timothy 3:8-10).
Our church is full of men who are qualified to serve in the role of deacon. A deacon is responsible for the care and health of the fellowship. Deacons dedicate themselves to protecting, nurturing and attending to the needs of the people. They are not rulers or administrators with authority over God’s people. They are to serve like shepherds who care for the needs of their flock. Begin to pray now for those whom you believe should serve.