When I was a teenager back in the dark ages of the 60’s, my Sunday School teacher was the president of the Gideons International organization headquartered in Donelson, Tennessee where I grew up. Dr. Wendall McClendon would take me with him some Sundays when he was scheduled to preach somewhere. I learned from him to love the Bible. I listened to him preach about the truth and power of the Bible. Between my parents first and their love for God’s word, my Sunday School teachers and their teaching of God’s word, my pastor, W. L. Baker, and his preaching of God’s word, I did not have a chance to develop anything other than respect for, devotion to, and love of God’s Holy Word. I cannot imagine my life without God’s word in it.
We will be taking a love offering at the end of the service this morning dedicated to the work and ministry of the Gideons. Pray about what you will give and give generously. God may use your gift this morning through the Gideons International to place the very Bible somewhere in the world that will lead some lost person that you will never meet this side of heaven to receive Jesus as their Savior.
Holy Week Prayer Meetings – April 11 – 13
Good Friday Service – April 15
Children’s Easter Egg Hunt – April 16
Sunrise Service, 7:00 am – April 17
HE IS RISEN, Hallelujah Worship – 10:45 am
Praise God through Whom All Blessings Flow!