SINGLE LADIES CARE CAR DAY – I am writing this on Friday and have no idea about how many ladies God will give us tomorrow to serve by taking care of their cars. Every lady he gives us will be one more heart that he will open to his love and grace expressed through the ministry of our men and women to them here at Grace.
TRUNK OR TREAT – Last year we served around 300 people through this event. God has opened a new door this year. Through the relationship that Brenda Knuckles has with Texas Roadhouse, this business has asked our church to participate in their Trunk or Treat event at their store on October 30th. In return, we have asked Texas Roadhouse to join us at our church event on October 27th and help us greet people sharing with them the Best Treat of All – Jesus. They have agreed and will be here to pass out information about themselves and give away coupons to their business. God has opened a door to our church with a local business that will in turn open doors to people in a greater way. Praise God!
WEST HALL HIGH SCHOOL – Through Casey Sturgill, our church has been invited to serve dinner to the West Hall Spartans football team on October 18th before the game that night. Our Men’s Ministry has agreed to provide the meal and we are asking several folks to help serve. There’s at least 50 young men who play football on this team. That’s 50 hearts open to the Lord’s ministry. That’s a new door to a local high school filled with teachers, administrators, and staff. Who knows how many doors will open because of an open door opportunity given to us through serving this one meal?
LIVE NATIVITY – Ronnie McFarland has volunteered to build a life-sized nativity scene in December that our young people and children will play the parts of Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, Wise Men and the Animals. I WONDER WHO’S GOING TO BE THE DONKEY? Adults will greet the people who stop by to enjoy the scene and share food and fellowship. Christmas music will be provided by our Praise Team. There will be hot chocolate, Christmas goodies, Christmas packets to distribute and a Biblical message to proclaim. Yes, we are even talking about a CROSS on the hill where our Sunrise Service was done last year that will complete the full Christmas message. Because God opened the door in Ronnie McFarland’s heart to build a nativity scene, who knows how many hearts will be opened as a result?
Not only did God open the door in the church at Philadelphia, He is opening doors of grace and opportunity for our church right now. As you read this article this morning and prepare yourself for worship today, make sure the door of your heart is open to Him, “…anyone who hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20).