After a busy summer schedule and an overwhelmingly blessed ministry in recent days, it is appropriate to pause and give thanks to God and to those who have worked hard to get things done and serve the Lord here at Grace. There are so many who have gone the extra mile and have served in over-and-above ways to Glorify of God.
First, let me thank all of our Vacation Bible School Staff, Leaders and Volunteers for the incredible “In The Wild” week of VBS in June. God blessed every effort you made to make this year’s Vacation Bible School a great experience. After 6 Vacation Bible Schools together, I believe this one was the best we have had yet. Thank you for your commitment to children. Thank you all for your dedication and joy in serving the Lord. Thank you for being the faithful people you are.
Second, thank you to our Student Ministry Team for the extra-mile service you have done to take our young people to Stone Mountain for the Laser Show and Tennessee for the Summer Rafting Retreat. You are making a tremendous impact on young lives building lasting memories that will stay with them throughout their lives. Thanks for leading our teenagers to be involved in Vacation Bible School. Their leadership in the music, worship time and classroom studies were so encouraging to the children. Thank you for the difference you are making in the relationships our young people have with each other and with the Lord.
Third, thank you Doug and Janet Bryant for all you did to minister to the Snyder family throughout the memorial weekend for Kathy Tyson. This family has been reunited with each other in remembering the life of our precious Kathy Kay. Everything you did to preserve the belongings, host the family, give advice and counsel to the Snyder’s during their stay with us was a rich blessing. I really believe that our church family was as blessed by your ministry as was our guests from Virginia and Nebraska. Thank you for all you did.
Fourth, thank you to every volunteer and church leader for the nuts-and-bolts of getting things done here at church. The floors are cleaned, the grass is mowed, the shrubs are trimmed, the tables are covered, the chairs are arranged, the doors are opened and locked, the stage is set up, the sound system is managed, classes are taught, cards and letters are sent, phone calls are made, praise and worship is led, and a hundred other jobs get done to keep our church moving forward for the glory of God.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Without all that you do, God’s work would stall, and our church would suffer.
Let’s keep up the good work. In the hundreds of tasks and details you do every week, Jesus is exalted and the kingdom of God is advanced.