Depending on who you talk to, Jesus performed over 40 miracles while living on this earth. Many of them were healing miracles. He made the lame to walk again. He causes the blind to see. He drove our terrible demons and gave people who were unable to speak a new voice. He was a miracle worker. We need a miracle working Jesus right now?
Jesus taught the truth and nothing but the truth. He did not languish in the world of opinions. He did not pass along fairy tales or conspiracy theories. He was a storyteller. He called them “Parables” and He told 46 of them. Each one conveyed a central truth and they were so profound that “…the crowds were amazed at His teaching; for He was teaching them as one having authority, and not as their scribes” (Matthew 7:28-29). Jesus was a master teacher. We need a real teacher to guide us and show us how to live.
More profoundly, Jesus showed compassion. Great multitudes followed Him everywhere because, “…seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9:36).
When is the last time you saw or felt real compassion?
When is the last time you showed compassion toward somebody other than a family member?
I think we are suffering from a “Compassion” draught these days. Our hearts are filled with cynicism and skepticism. Man, we need Jesus to look on us and have compassion for us and gather us together again under His sheltering/shepherding arms, “I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep” (John 10:10). I need a good shepherd. You need a good shepherd. America needs a good shepherd.
I believe God is leading me to preach about Jesus. That’s probably why He has put Jesus on my mind so much these days. There are only 2 more Sundays of sermons from Psalm 119 after today. I believe God is preparing me and giving me His direction for where we will go from here. Pray about it with me. Start opening your Bibles and reading the gospel accounts about Jesus.
What could God do with us if we really put Jesus where He should be?
I can’t wait to see.